‘Word is spreading’: Our Classroom Programs Have Gone Virtual

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As you might expect, the pandemic has had a dampening effect on school field trips. In past years, we have presented as many as 200 programs to school groups who came to the museum. Last year we did ten. To stay connected to the schools, we now offer our programs through Zoom meetings.

It started when a teacher in Kansas City asked if we could do this. Following a few practice sessions, we went live with it in January. The Zoom meeting allows us to present in multiple classrooms in the school simultaneously along with any students who might be learning from home.

The presentation consists of the Powerpoint program that the museum’s teachers have developed over the years and a video that gives a virtual tour of the museum. The Powerpoint is narrated live by one of our staff members and includes Q & A interaction with the students. The program takes about one hour and is geared to grades 3-5.

“We can adapt to other age groups if needed,” said Education Director Bill Brecht. “In fact, I’ll be doing a program for a Sons of the American Revolution chapter in Akron, Ohio later this month.”

Brecht added: “Word is spreading, and we have done programs for other schools in Kansas City and in St. Louis County, with more scheduled in the future. Schools in Texas and Washington state have also inquired about it.

If you know of any teachers that might be interested, tell them to contact us at lewisandclarkmuseum@yahoo.com or go to the “Education”
page on our website.

“Of course, when things get back to “normal” we hope to have the local schools visit us in person once again,” Brecht added.