Board of Directors, Bylaws and Financial Report
Current organizational bylaws: DESC BYLAWS EFFECTIVE FEB 6 2025
Most recent tax filing: 2023 DESC FORM 990
Jan P. Donelson, Chair
Architect, Timberland Design
Jan, by profession is an architect and specializes in heavy timber construction of small commercial and residential structures. His work has been published in several national magazines. Jan joined the Lewis & Clark Discovery Expedition in fall, 2003 and shortly after began portraying Captain Meriwether Lewis. He has enjoyed sharing his knowledge, passion and the opportunity to educate others about the life and times of our American forefathers. He treasured his time during the bicentennial with the Corps on the trail, on mission, teaching and sharing the Lewis & Clark experience. Jan has been instrumental in executing the Eastern Legacy and negotiating several key opportunities to showcase our fleet in films and television productions. He is currently lending his creative talents to the Lewis & Clark Film Series by writing and producing the 10 episodes of the first season for distance learning and Interpretive Centers along the trail.
Marty Leitner Martin, Vice Chair
Marty is currently employed at a medical non-profit, the American Optometric Association. She joined the Lewis & Clark Boathouse & Museum in 2022 and has participated in several of its events during this time. She is an active member of the Saint Charles Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, currently serving as Chair of the Americanism committee. She has a love of history and historic preservation and is a member of the St. Charles County Historical Society. While only being active in the group for a few years, she sees the importance of keeping, and expanding DESC as the premier reenactment organization.
Chris Collier, Treasurer
Managing Director, Oppenheimer & Co, Midwest Location Manager
Nancy Jackson, Secretary
Realtor, BHHS Alliance Real Estate
As a native of St. Louis, Nancy has always had a keen interest in history and Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase. Nancy’s interest in St. Charles, Missouri and Lewis & Clark began in high school. With a MBA and Masters in Marketing, Nancy has served on several non-profit boards and chaired numerous fundraising events. She continues to chair events for the Museum and actively promotes the facility and living history activities.
Marty Aubuchon, Director
Josh Bennett, Director
Director of Business Development, AccentCare Hospice & Palliative Care of Missouri
Larry Boschen, Director
Retired manager, Nooter Corporation
Bill Brecht, Director-Education
Bill taught Earth Science at Jefferson Junior High/Middle School in St. Charles, Missouri for 30 years. Shortly after retirement, he worked part-time at the Lewis & Clark Museum teaching classes and manning the shop. Several years after moving to the Museum’s new facility, Bill became the Executive Director. For the last 30 years, Bill has had an interest in historical re-enactment, mostly from the American Revolution to the War of 1812. He first participated in the Lewis & Clark Heritage Days in 1986 and has been on the event’s planning board since 1991.
Mimi Jackson, Director
Former Executive Director and Founder, Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum
Mimi started the Lewis & Clark Museum in 1985. While developing the museum, she and her husband, Darold, got to know and work with Glen and Joanne Bishop, who started the Lewis & Clark Discovery Expedition of St. Charles, Missouri. Starting in 2001, they joined forces to build a new facility and create one non-profit organization. Mimi gifted the exhibits from the old museum to the new facility and spearheaded the efforts to significantly expand the exhibits and programs. She also led the development of the classes and programs in the newly enlarged classroom to accommodate the growing number of school classes, scout groups and tour groups. Prior to her interest in Lewis & Clark, Mimi developed and taught classes at the Museum of Science and Natural History, the Museum of Art & History in Brussels, Belgium, and the Missouri Botanical Garden. She has received numerous awards, including the Sacagawea Award. She served as the Executive Director for the new facility, and continues to teach classes and work in the Museum shop.
Mack Thornton, Director
Retired educator and insurance executive
Being a history buff, Mack started following the trail of the Lewis & Clark expedition in 2003, during their Bi-Centennial. He met and befriended many of the re-enactors along the way. He followed the entire trail during the Bi-Centennial time frame. In 2009, he officially joined the Discovery Expedition of St. Charles, MO, and continues to be an active member of the Corp. He is trained and certified to captain the Lewis & Clark Pirogues on any US River. The DESC re-enactors dress in period clothing and set up campsites with educational stations at each encampment. They have educated thousands of children and adults for years, and continue to do so.
Fun fact: he is a direct descendant of Meriwether Lewis.
Norm Bowers
Owner, Eagle Stamp and Coin
Norm is a retired officer who spent several years in the US Army Special Operations. He now operates a stamp, coin and jewelry store. He joined the Lewis & Clark Discovery Corps as Sergeant Nathaniel H. Pryor and served as an assistant planner, coordinator, budget officer, fundraiser, and scheduler during the Bicentennial. He has been Phase leader for several re-enactments and encampments and also served as Executive Director Re-enactment. Norm has given numerous programs to school groups, clubs and small communities on various aspects of the Lewis & Clark Expedition and continues to lead several events including the 4th of July Parade and Lewis & Clark Holiday Party.
Larry Kluesner, Director
Retired Engineer, Nestle Corporation
Larry’s involvement began as ground support at Camp Du Bois and maintenance on the boats. He then joined the crew as Private John Potts as they moved up the Missouri River. This was the first time Larry had been on the “Muddy Missouri”, so in addition to re-enacting, he was also exploring as Lewis and Clark once did. Larry served as Chair of the Board for six years (November 2007-November 2003), has been actively involved in recruitment and fundraising and has chaired several events. He has been instrumental in the negotiations for numerous living history appearances and boat participation in filming projects. He has led maintenance efforts on the boats and continues to volunteer at the Boat House on countless projects.
Tom Ronk, Director-Re-Enactment
Retired Forester, Missouri Department of Conservation
Tom’s career as a Forester with the Missouri Department of Conservation spanned 32 years. He joined the Lewis & Clark Discovery Corps as Private William Bratton due to the enthusiasm of the Corps’ leadership and dedication to the Lewis & Clark historical re-enactment. Tom grew up along the Missouri River in Iowa and as a dugout canoe maker and pilot, he specializes in “working” dugout canoes as described in the L&C Journals. Tom has logged over 700 miles on the Missouri River from Three Forks, Montana to St. Louis, Missouri in dugouts. He has been Phase leader of several re-enactments and encampments along the trail and was instrumental in orchestrating and participating in filming projects featuring the Keelboat and pirogues.
Sue Schneider, Director
Sue has been involved with the keelboat project since its inception when Glen Bishop built the first one in 1992. She has a varied history ranging from running a non-profit youth agency to owning a business which organized conferences and trade shows for the gambling industry. She is a seasoned writer/editor and has authored a book, “Old St. Charles”, which details the town’s history and focuses on a walking tour of Main Street. She served in a public relations role before and during the Bicentennial Celebrations and has been a member of the board for many years.
Tom Young, Director
Retired General Manager, Kingdom Telephone Company
Tom joined the Lewis & Clark Discovery Corps as Private Silas Goodrich. Relishing the Bicentennial as an adventure of a lifetime, he still enjoys sharing experiences with school children, clubs and anyone who is interested! He and his wife, Joy, have been extremely helpful in inventorying and managing the Corps’ uniforms and period clothing.