Museum Gift Shop
We pride ourselves on the eclectic selection of historical and educational books, gifts and memorabilia in our museum shop. You may not find what you expected, but you will find what you wanted! We have more than 150 different books on the expedition and related topics. Browsing our shelves is always an education. Open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Looking for a particular book or gift? Give us a call at (636) 947-3199 or check in with

Looking to relax! The Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Museum gift shop proudly sells Nuwati Herbal products. You will find a wide variety of Nuwati Herbal Tea Supplements, Lip Balm, Oils, and Handcrafted Herbal Soaps.

Do you love quilts? Do you love to read? The Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Museum can help you combine both! We feature a large selection of books by local author and businesswomen Ann Hamilton. Ms. Hamilton’s books weave quilts into the lives of her characters.
Books for sale in our gift shop (Subject to change)
Adventures Across America: On and Off the Trail Of L/C | Fischer |
Adventuring Along the Lewis and Clark Trail | Grossman |
After Lewis and Clark | Utley |
Arts of Dipomacy | McLaughlin |
Before Lewis and Clark | |
Bitteroot | Stroud |
Blazing West | Lasky |
Bold Journey: West with Lewis and Clark | Bohner |
Buffalo Dance: The Journey of York | Walker |
By His Own Hand | Guice |
Character of Meriwether Lewis | Jenkinson |
Charles Fritz: 100 Paintings | Fritz |
Chasing Lewis and Clark Across America | Lowery |
Columbia River Water Trail | Hay |
Complete Katy Trail Guidebook | Dufar |
Dear Brother | Holmberg |
Definitive Journals Set books 2 – 8 paperback | |
Discovering Lewis and Clark | Biddle |
Essential Lewis and Clark | Brandt (edited) |
Exploring with Lewis and Clark, Volume 80: The 1804 Journal of Charles Floyd | |
Exploring with the Lewis and Clark Expedition: A This or That Debate | |
Fate of the Corps | Morris |
Finding the West | Ronda |
From Sea to Shining Sea | Thom |
George Drouillard | Skarsten |
Ghosts of St. Charles (Paperback) | |
Growing Up with the River | |
I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company | Hall |
Into the Unknown: Leadership Lessons | Uldrich |
Jefferson’s Great Gamble | Cerami |
Jefferson’s West | Ronda |
John Colter | Harris |
Journal of Lewis and Clark | DeVoto |
Journal of Patrick Gass | MacGreger |
Journals of Caption Meriwether Lewis and Sergeant John Ordway | Lewis |
Journals of Lewis and Clark | Bakeless |
Journey of the Heart | Ellington |
Katy Trail: A Ride through History, | Schneck |
Legendary Locals of St. Charles | Graveman |
Lewis and Clark Across the Divide | Gilman |
Lewis and Clark Among the Indians | Ronda |
Lewis and Clark Coffee Table book | Ambrose |
Lewis and Clark Columbia River Water Trail | Hay |
Lewis and Clark Expedition Day by Day | Moulton |
Lewis and Clark Expedition Ilustratated Glossary | Fifer |
Lewis and Clark for Dummies | Meadows |
Lewis and Clark in the Illinois Country | Hartley |
Lewis and Clark Journal: An American Epic of Discovery | Moulton |
Lewis and Clark on the Great Plains | Johnsgard |
Lewis and Clark On the Trail of Discovery | Gragg |
Lewis and Clark Reframed | |
Lewis and Clark Through Indian Eyes | Josephy |
Lewis and Clark Trail: American Landscapes | Mack |
Lewis and Clark Trail: Photo Journal | |
Lewis and Clark Trail: Yesterday and Today | Hill |
Lewis and Clark: Doctors in the Wilderness | Paton |
Lewis and Clark: Pioneering Naturalists | Cutright |
Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery | Duncan and Burns |
Literature of the Lewis and Clark Expedition | Beckham |
Mapping the West with Lewis and Clark | Ehrenberg |
Meriwether | Nevin |
Meriwether Lewis | Dillon |
Meriwether Lewis | Danisi |
Missouri Veterans Monuments and Memorials | Amick |
Mountain Man: John Colter | Marshall |
Nat Geo Guide to the Lewis and Clark Trail | |
National Parks America’s Best Idea | Duncan |
Natural World of Lewis and Clark | Dalton |
New Found Land | Wolf |
Only One Man Died | |
Or Perish in the Attempt | Peck |
Out West | Duncan |
Parks 5000 Ideas | |
Plants of the Expedition | |
Prologue to Lewis and Clark | Wood |
Rush: Revolution, Madness and Benjamin Rush | Fried |
Sacagawea’s Son | Tinling |
Salish People and the Lewis and Clark Expedition | |
Scenes of Visionary Enchantment | Duncan |
Sheheke | Potter |
Sign Talker | Thom |
So Hard to Die | Peck |
St. Charles Then and Now | |
St. Charles Postcard History Series | Kienzle |
St. Charles, Missouri: A Brief History | Erwin |
St. Charles: Les Petites Côtes (Paperback) | |
St. Louis Then and Now | Lossos |
Steamboat Disasters of the Lower Missouri | Erwin |
Tailor Made, Trail Worn | Moore |
Traveling the Lewis and Clark Trail (Falcon Guide) | Fanselow |
Truth about Sacajewia | Thomasma |
Uncovering the Truth About Meriwether Lewis | Danisi |
Undaunted Courage | Ambrose |
Unto the Unknown: Leadership Lessons from Lewis and Clark | |
Way to the Western Sea | Lavender |
Weapons of the Lewis and Clark Expedition | |
Why Sacaqawea Deserves a Day Off | Tubbs |
Wilderness Journey | Foley |
William Clark and the Shaping of the West | Jones |
William Clark: Indian Diplomat | Buckley |
Lewis and Clark Among the Nez Perce | Pinkham |
Books for all ages American Slave, American Hero: York | |
Birds, Nests and Eggs | Boring |
Camas & Sage | |
Captain’s Dog | Smith |
Catipillars, bugs and Butterflies | Boring |
Dinosaurs: National Geographic Kids | Zoehfeld |
Dog of Discovery | Pringle |
Everything Rocks and Minerals | Tomecek |
Frogs, Toads, & Turtles | Burns |
Frogs, Toads, & Turtles | Burns |
Going Along with Lewis and Clark – Hardback | Fifer |
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis and Clark | Schanzer |
I am Sacaqawea | |
In Search of York | Betts |
Journey of York | |
Lewis and Clark Part II | Phillips |
Lewis and Clark and Me | |
Lewis and Clark Expedition (A True Book: Westward Expansion) | |
Lewis and Clark: A Prairie Dog for President | |
Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West | Kroll |
Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West | Kroll |
Lewis and Clark(In their Own Words) | |
Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs | Hughes |
Meeting Native American with Lewis and Clark | Fifer |
My First Book of Planets | Betts |
My Name is York | Steenwyk |
Nat Geo Readers: Sacagawea | |
Nature’s Yucky 1 | |
Natures Yucky 2 | |
Night Sky – National Geographic Kids | Drimmer |
Picture Book of Sacagawea | Alder |
Planets, Moons and Stars | Avert |
Rabbits, Squirrels and Chipmunks | Boring |
Rock and Minerals – National Geo | Zoehfeld |
Rocks and Minerals – Nat Geographic Kids | Zoehfeld |
Rocks and Minerals Sticker Activity Book | |
Rushing Rivers | |
Sacagawea: American Pathfinder | Seymour |
Sacaqawea: National Geographic Kids | |
Seaman- The Dog Who Explored the West | Karwoski |
Seaman’s Journal | Eubank |
Snakes, Salamanders and Lizards | Burns |
Story of Thomas Jefferson | Trusiani |
Thomas Jefferson’s Feast | Murphy |
Tracks, Scats and Signs | Dendy |
Trees, Leaves and Bark | Burns |
True Book: The Lewis and Clark Expedition | |
What was the Age of the Dinosaurs? | Stine |
What Was the Lewis and Clark Expedition? | Saint George |
Who Was Sacagawea? | Bloom Fradin |
Who Was Thomas Jefferson? | |
Wildflowers, Blooms, and Blossoms | Burns |
York Proceeded On | Jaime |
You Wouldn’t Want to Explore with L/C | |
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis and Clark |